Wednesday 20 June 2012

Another Print hot off the press! quite like the use of white, can imagen this print in a large scale on a dress!!!

Wednesday 13 June 2012

Today’s inspiration has come from looking back over Alexander Mcqueen’s Archive and finding the spring/summer 2010 “Plato’s Atlantis”. Which was inspired by ‘The Origin of the Species written by Charles Darwin, which explained possibilities that the ice caps would melt and the waters resulting in life on earth having to evolve to live beneath the sea. From this Alexander Mcqueen designed prints based on scales from fishes and snakes, but using mirrored print designs to give the symbolism of cloning.
Using this inspiration I have created my own designs from my floral drawings in the style of Alexander Mcqueen. Enjoy!!

Tuesday 12 June 2012

                                                                  Another print design
                                  One of my print designs consisting of the drawings i have done.

My own drawings from my inspirational day:

                                 More images i have taken myself at Wisley Gardens in Surrey

A Trip to Wisley Gradens in Surrey was a great inspiration to my next portfolio project!!!!!!

the beginning.......

On my birthday i made a list of things i want to do this year and one of them was to create a blog showing my love and work for prints and print designs, so here i go!!!!!!!!!!!